3 spots left!

(it will feel good to post this)

  • This is an event page which we use to help promote our events all across Canada

  • We don’t just post your event here and leave it alone - we make noise all over the internet to our thousands of followers AND to our very strong email list thousands strong

    • using sophisticated targeting, we are able to to get your event in front of people most likely to attend based on location and interests

  • We also work with you to deploy tactics that will increase ticket sales

  • Literally, hire us, and your event will start filling up way faster than without us!

  • Don’t wait to get money from attendees in person or at the door when we can help sell your event out in advance, removing all the stress of your project

What's happening?

(describe your event to potential attendees in this section)

We take your event and add our tried and true formula which we have used to earn customers $100,000+ in event sales. We’ve been at this for over a decade and know what works and how to use both organic and paid tactics to fill a room.

The reason why our method works is because we truly work with you to fill the room using all the reach at our disposal, reaching tens of thousands of people.

We can also help make event videos:






3 spots left!

wow you made it this far!

you’re serious about your next event!

EARLY BIRD EXAMPLE: $120 per person before June 1st

REGULAR PRICE EXAMPLE: $140 per person from June 2nd to event date

Every ticket purchase enters you into a random raffle (example) to win 1 of 3 prizes:

1) authentic Kali sticks

2) an authentic wooden kali sword or

3) Tatang Ilustrisimo T-Shirt


  • $20 off if you buy 2 tickets and come with a friend!

Let’s Talk About How we Can help fill your event WITH EXCITING ATTENDEES

Here’s an example of how we collect funds online.

Manila’s Kalis Illustrimo (KIRO) Authority is in Canada for the 1st Time!
from CA$140.00


This is where you would tell potential attendees key information that they’ll likely ask about.

Here are some examples:

Is there a refund policy?

No there is not BUT whatever you spent becomes credit with Culture Toronto to spend as you please in the event that you pay to come and can’t make it.

Is this event beginner friendly? I’m completely new.

Yes, please come and have fun.

Will this be redundant for current practitioners?

No, a room full of kali practitioners always has value and the instructor has tons of material if there’s enough demand, so please come.